

Information sourced from Fairfax NZ News

Selfies have become a part of everyday life, marriage proposals included.

This marriage proposal video of a couple taking a selfie together (or so the woman thinks) has gone viral - you can't help but smile at her stunned reaction to the sudden surprise proposal. See the surprise selfie proposal video here.

If you and your partner enjoy taking snaps together, turn your selfie into a surprise proposal and capture it on video. You could choose a romantic spot to make it even more special. You never know, it could be the next #trending thing on social media.

Is she very particular about how her selfies look before she sends them to all her friends? Then she probably has very particular thoughts about the engagement ring she'd like to wear!

We always suggest it's better to not make any assumptions. Make your selfie proposal fun and stress-free with aWilshi proposal ring.